I recently traveled to Ft. Stockton, Texas to work on a few murals in the Ft. Stockton Nursing Home. By the end of the week I finished 3 murals, encompassing 250 square feet, in a little under 47 hours. Like most artists I could have spent many more hours polishing each of the murals, but a looming (re)grand opening had me working on one painting while the others dried. While I was there I discovered that the Ft. Stockton Nursing Home is an active Nursing Home which was merely remodeling while I was there. In case you are curious, one is able to paint in an active nursing home like one might perform eye exams in an active Kindergarten classroom. I found out very early that, in order to avoid being shown pictures of great grandkids or being asked to change soiled bed sheets, it would be best to begin working after the residents have gone to bed. Despite the sleep deprivation, it was a rewarding and very valuable learning experience.... and there was the Miss Margie. It's always nice to see others enjoy your work and Miss Margie in room 303, suffering from Alzhiemer's, would roll her wheelchair out of her room every few hours and pile on the praise and compliments. I would tell her my name again and she would tell me how much she liked butterflies. Every few hours I would be met with the same enthusiasm and praise on this "new" painting.