Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dove Hunting Cartoons

Back around January I was approached by the awesome folks at Texas Dove Hunters Association to see if I wouldnt mind contributing Dove Hunting themed comics to their monthly publication.
The process has been fun and challenging. Even in a year I have been able to see progress in my writting, drawing, composition,... and use of technology. Its been a great exercise in forcing myself to come up with new ideas for a fairly small audience.
A few samples:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dragging Myself Kicking & Screaming Into the 21st century

Im fairly certain the most terrifying thing in the world is a blank piece of paper... (I use terrifying  rather lightly. Ive taught high school kids, but Ive never fought in a war so you can judge for yourself how "terrifying" it really is)
(deep breath)
So it begins!:...

I decided to force myself to expand my portfolio and start writing things down. I hope this blog will add a little accountability to keep myself focused on creating.
Beginnings of a Texas Hill Country Mural?
I started with a blank canvas, and "just went for it". We'll see how it turns out. 

The enemy of progress is the fear of failure. Ive found that Ive learned a lot from my mistakes and failures, but being too afraid of the possibility of failure is paralyzing, unproductive, and can drive you crazy. 
Dont over think. Just do! 
I started this mural to test out that motto. I guess if you start out with no expectations you can always be surprised by how it turns. Its already better than the blank canvas I started with anyways.

Update: 10/24
Whew! maybe I should have started smaller!

Work continues to move along. By far the biggest canvas I've tackled so far. I like the idea of a nature scene with sharp lines and minimal blending, and this painting is giving me plenty of area to experiment   on.